By | July 17, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tree selection for your home

Tree selection for your home is a very defining moment in the landscaping of a home. Trees are long-lived and the choice of the tree will determine what kind of chores you will be facing on a yearly basis. Different species of trees have different habits. There’s the leaf versus needle. Do you want to pick up leaves once a year or do you want to pick up needles all year long? Do you want a tree for shade or do you want it for ornamentation?

Tree selection for your home Willow

Some trees have a flowering season. Other trees have seed pods(short to long). Some have fronds, others have fruits, bark that peels, cones, hairs released by seed pods. Some species of trees have invasive roots that can cause damage to the sidewalks and concrete pads. Others have spines and poisonous leaves, seeds etc.. Can you imagine ripe yellow-orange fruit that smells like vomit? How about prickly brown seed pods that often litter the ground around the tree or clusters of peppercorn-looking fruits. Trees can be really messy if you choose the wrong one.

A few things to consider

Trees that aren’t messy?
Will they shade my home?
Trees that are deciduous.
Trees that will not tear up my concrete.
Fast growing or slow-growing?

How do you choose?

Begin by selecting your parameters for a tree. Go to the parks in your city and look at the trees. Here you will find full-grown trees. Look at the roots are they on the surface? Is there something about the tree that looks like it may be more work than you want to sign up for?

Tree selection for your home Sorbus-torminalis
If you see a tree you might like in your yard, take some photos of the tree and some of the leaves. Bring them to a garden nursery that you trust. Show your photos and ask which species that tree happens to be. Ask questions about the tree. If the answers you receive aren’t complete enough for you, Google your potential candidate and learn more about its habits.

With all your questions answered and new-found knowledge of the candidate trees, you are on your way to choosing the tree that is perfect for you.

Want more information about trees(click here) Site Map

(By Daniel Case (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons)

(By Daniel Case (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons)

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