Title 20 no more single speed pool motors for California

Century single speed pool pump motor
Title 20 no more single speed pool motors for California. I was trying to help my neighbor when I got slammed with this news.
Let me explain. My neighbor asked for my help in locating a replacement motor for his pool. Since he has always helped me when I needed it I jumped at the chance to help him out. I located a replacement motor from the same source that I used to replace mine. It runs so quietly compared to the original manufacturer’s motor and my neighbor has always commented on that fact. So I ordered it after to talking to the representative. Almost immediately the representative of the pool equipment company called me back to explain what was happening.
No! No! Not for you!
The representative explained that because I lived in California that he could not sell me the motor because their company would be facing stiff fines if they did. He also explained that I could be facing the exact same fine because I had purchased that motor. Since California was also being very aggressive in enforcing this new law he explained that there are only two options for us in California two speed or variable speed.
The law explained in simple language
Residential Pool Pump Motors. Residential pool pump motors with a pool pump motor capacity of 1 HP or greater which are manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall have the capability of operating at two or more speeds with a low speed having a rotation rate that is no more than one-half of the motor’s maximum rotation rate. The pump motor must be operated with a pump control that shall have the capability of operating the pump at least at two speeds. Read more
Title 20
It seems that Title 20 is where this little tidbit of information is located.
So I was stuck. No, I couldn’t help my neighbor. He is facing the upgrade challenge, two speed or variable speed. Both options very pricey. So if you find yourself facing a single speed pool pump motor replacement and you live in California Title 20 just slapped your wallet.
Related Article: Whisperflo Motor Replacement
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