Tag Archives: frugal living ideas

Frugal Living: Buying By The Piece

Reading Time: 2 minutesFrugal living: Buying by the piece I was grocery shopping and lettuce was on my list. I was doing what I normally do. Grabbing a head of lettuce and mentally weighing it in my hand. Accepting only the heaviest head and discarding the others. Putting the candidate head aside as I went thru the process… Read More »

Five Frugal Hacks For Your Life

Reading Time: 4 minutesFive frugal hacks for your life 1. Spin the bottle to get the last out of the bottle. 2. Boil water in the microwave to clean it. 3. Key fob to the face to increase distance. 4. Tie your electrical cords together to keep them from unplugging. 5. Using soap bars down to the last… Read More »