Reverse Osmosis System Faucet Hole
If you plan on a reverse osmosis system installation you are going to need a reverse osmosis system faucet hole near your sink for the dedicated faucet. How to install a reverse osmosis system is pretty straightforward. You will need a few tools and some small parts to connect the system to your cold water line. However, drilling a hole for the newly dedicated faucet may be another thing.
Locate your faucet
You will need to determine where you want to install the faucet and then visually inspect the area from both the top and bottom to determine that nothing is going to be in your way. Also, check your reverse osmosis installation instructions for the size of the hole needed for the faucet.
Cutting the hole for the faucet
If you have a stone countertop or a ceramic countertop you will need a special diamond hole saw. This article covers the procedure to cut a hole in those countertops. In this first video, I like the way this guy starts the hole but I don’t like how he runs that diamond hole saw bit dry after starting the hole. You can hear how the bit is struggling with the cutting because of lack of lubrication(water). You can only hope the diamond edge will last long enough to finish the hole.
This second video shows how plumbers putty can keep the diamond hole saw bit cool and running smoothly during the cutting process However because of the water there are problems starting the cut. You can see the diamond hole saw bit walking over and over again until it finally gets a grip on the surface.
If you were to combine these two processes you should get the best result for the cut and the tool. Make the pool using the plumbers putty but start the hole dry. Once the diamond hole saw has a grip on the stone fill the pool and enjoy the ease of cutting the hole wet.
How I would cut the stone
Make the pool of plumbers putty. Using light pressure, start the cut dry until the diamond hole saw has a shallow track to run in, like in the first video. Then stop the cut and fill with water and resume the cut until finished.