Reduce the work of making tamales

Spreading Masa with a spoon technique
Spreading the Masa
The final major step to making tamales is to spread the masa on the corn husks and assemble the tamales. This is where the work can be reduced. Spreading the masa on the husks requires using a large spoon. A spoonful of dough spread on the husk with the back of the spoon. Spread until it was properly thin and even. It took both hands to accomplish this feat. One hand holding the husk and providing support as the other hand using the spoon to spread the masa. This is a time-consuming process. Several people spread masa while one person filled and assembled the tamales. A small kitchen tool has reduced the tedious work of spreading the masa.
Welcome the Masa Spreader
Using this tool with properly prepared masa, one person can spread enough corn husks to keep one person filling and assembling tamales busy full time. When I first watched this little gadget work I was in total amazement. One swipe of the spreader on the husk and it was completely covered with masa! Amazing! If you have ever been part of a spreading team you know that it takes many hands and many spoons and lots of time in spreading the masa on a corn husk leaf. I could feel my carpal tunnel syndrome fading away.
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