By | August 21, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pool skimming without a net

pool skimming without a net Pool skimming

Quick pool skimming without a net. Yes, it’s true you can skim the pool without a net. About this time every year, I have some flowering trees that start to drop flowers. While they are set back from the pool a bunch of flowers always seem to make their way into the pool.

To make things worse I had overfilled the pool and the skimming action was not at it’s best. The flowers would just go by the skimmer with no draw into it. I watched it and it was pathetic. No skimming action going on. So I checked the balance between the pool cleaner and the skimming side. Oops, I had forgotten to set it back to its normal position after the last maintenance.

pool skimming without a net pool skimmer net

Intex Leaf Rake for Pools at

Prepping for skimming a pool

So I have a pool with a ton of flowers floating in the pool and I need a bunch of time for me to skim them out. To prepare for the skimming I clean out the skimmer basket and the pump basket so I have the best flow thru the system. I backwash the sand filter to remove anything that has built up since the start of the season. Ok, so I’m ready to skim.

pool skimming without a net

BESTOPE Hand Spray Nozzle

I set the vacuum level to the highest skimming level. I figured that I had better wash the flowers off the deck so that they don’t fall into the pool as I am going around skimming the pool. That’s when it happened. I’m washing the deck with my garden hose nozzle set on the high-speed jet stream. When the stream hits the water the flowers start moving away. It looks like I have a water broom for my pool.

The method

As I was washing the pool deck it came to me that I could spray the pool surface and move the flowers and floating debris just like a broom.

I had just back washed the pool filter and I needed to add water to the pool anyway. So I start moving the debris to the one side of the pool and towards the skimmer and it works just like it should. The jet spray also cleans up the tile where flowers have stuck to it.

A water hose with a spray nozzle is all that is needed. The new method for pool skimming without a net is super fast and super easy.

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