By | July 16, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A Long Life Pool Brush

A long life pool brush, is there such a thing? It seems that every second year I have to buy a pool brush. This is because the bristles are starting to fall out. So my question is: Is there a long life pool brush? I am asking anyone who reads this to comment on your pool brush life. Maybe someone will know if such a thing exists.

I know that pool chlorine is highly corrosive. I have seen it eat thru a brass fitting in months, where a plastic fitting had lasted years. Is it the chlorine in the water that weakens the bristles so that they disintegrate? Doing an internet search has only brought up suggestions that the brush be rinsed and stored out of the sun. I did find a chart for the chemical resistance of different plastics to chemicals.

11″ Blue and White Swimming Pool and Spa Corner Scrub Brush –

Corrosiveness of Chlorine against different plastics.

A Long Life Pool Brush screen shot of chemical verses plastics with legend

screenshot of chlorine versus plastics with legend

This chart shows the level of the corrosiveness of chlorine versus different plastics. You can see that nylon does not do very well against chlorine. The majority of pool brushes contain nylon bristles. On the other hand, polypropylene does very well against chlorine.


If I use the chart, and it’s chemical resistance values for the different plastics. My conclusion would be that nylon bristles would be the least desirable with polypropylene being better suited for a chlorine environment. I can only conclude that any pool brushes with nylon bristles are built to be disposable.  That nylon bristle brushes are not meant for any kind of care for longevity. So, I will buy my pool brush with polypropylene bristles. I figure if I can get two full seasons and possibly another before the bristles start falling out I am ahead of the game. If this experiment fails, I will have to treat the price of a pool brush the same as a pound of shock or a gallon of acid. An operating cost of a pool brush every 18 months.

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