How to hoe weeds with a bad back
How to hoe weeds with a bad back was a question I needed to answer very early in my life. I injured my back for the very first time as a child of ten years old. I jumped off a low hanging roof and got my first back injury. Along the way, I fell off a roof again, during a rain storm. I injured myself again, pushing very heavy loads at work and so on and so on. So over a lifetime, I had periods where my back was really hurting me and weeds don’t stop growing because your back is hurting.
Corona SH61000 Diamond Hoe –
Start the search for a better hoe
![By Batternut (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (//], via Wikimedia Commons How to hoe weeds with a bad back Draw hoe](
Green Handled Draw Hoe
Flexrake CLA110 Classic Triangle Weeding Hoe –
The many kinds of hoes
I tried several small point type hoes where the blades are pointed rather than a broad type blade. There was some improvement with less impact but I still had the lift and drop chopping type movement. The next big thing to come along was the push style hoes. Push type hoes are better than the basic hoe in that the chopping motion is eliminated but the pressure is transferred to the push and pull method of the tool. The broader the tool the more effort required in the back and forth motion. My tool was the “hula” hoe. Better but not perfect. If the weeds are low and the ground not to compacted this tool can be very effective.
Handle length does matter
When selecting a hoe no matter which one you pick the handle length does matter. If the handle is shorter then you will be bending over more to cut those nasty weeds. A longer handle allows you to stand straighter while doing this job. Less bending means less strain on your back.
How about Power tools![By Hedwig Storch (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (//], via Wikimedia Commons String trimmer](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' style='width:auto;height:auto'%2F%3E)
Greenworks 21142 10 Amp 18 in. Electric String Top Mount Trimmer –
Next for me was the string trimmer. This power tool will reduce tall and short weeds down to the bare ground quickly. Unfortunately, it does not cut or remove the roots so weeds can re-emerge very quickly. Plus the problem becomes one of weight and swinging it back and forth in an arc to remove the weed tops really is an aggravator for your bad back.
Where the motor is located is important
When purchasing a trimmer I avoided any trimmer where the motor was located on the cutting end of the tool. That had all the weight extended out on the handle a real strain on my poor back. I only considered models where the motor was at the opposite end of the cutting end. This layout has its advantages. The weight could more easily be balanced and produces less strain on my back. Oh, by the way, my trimmer is electric(less weight) not gas as I have a large yard for California, but I have long extension cords.
What finally worked for me
I finally found a push type hoe that is very light and the blade is very small(less than 3″ wide) as well. This tool cuts the roots of the weeds. It doesn’t have a large surface area that adds strain to my arms and back in its use. It makes use of the push-pull motions of the hula hoe and does not disturb the ground which could bring new weed seeds to the surface. Also very important the handle is really long so I don’t have to bend over while weeding. If my back was flaring I could also take my rolling garden seat along with me and sit as I weeded.
Sunnydaze Rolling Garden Cart w/ Extendable Handle Pneumatic – Multiple Colors –
My rolling garden seat
Related Article: Glyphosate mix for weed control
Related Article: Stringing a weed eater
(By Hustvedt (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons)
(By Fsbr1908 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)