Six Hacks and Tips
To Much Salt?
Do You have a salt shaker that puts out to much salt no matter what you try?
Well, this little trick will help with that. I have a set of shakers where the salt would always be to much no matter what I tried. So this little trick is something my mother showed me for keeping salt from clumping. It also works well for reducing the salt coming out of the shaker. Fill the salt shaker half and half with raw uncooked rice and salt. The rice will block some of the holes and reduce the amount of salt that comes out. If it is still to much add more rice. As an added bonus it will keep the salt from clumping.
Organize your nails and screws
Got a bunch of different size nails and drywall screws and they are spread out all over the shop or garage. Get an organizer or two. The bins are adjustable and large enough for a good quantity of nails and screws. Now you can have all your nails and screws in one place. No more duplicates or last-minute trips to the hardware store to pick up some nails.
Need More Leverage on a stuck bolt?
Have a stuck bolt that won’t come loose? Double up on the wrench to break that stuck bolt loose. Have you tried double wrenching? It’s a technique to improve your torque on a bolt or nut.
As you watch the video note that he hooks the lower jaw to move the wrenches in the downward direction. For the second time he hooks the upper jaw for turning the wrenches in the upper direction.
Small bolts and too much torque?
Tightening small bolts can be tricky. If you use to much torque when tightening them they may snap off leaving you will a bigger problem. Limit your torque on small bolts by using a stubby ratchet. Stubby ratchets have shortened handles(approximately half the length) and they come in all drive sizes.
Keep your insurance premiums from increasing
If you rear-end another driver you are automatically at fault, period. Save some cash on your auto insurance by stopping behind vehicles so that you can see the bottom of their rear tires. This will usually give you enough distance so if you should get rear-ended you may be far enough back that your car will not lunge into the vehicle ahead of you. Then you will be the one rear-ended(can’t be helped) but you didn’t rear end anyone. Totally innocent! The driver in this video did the right thing and stopped so you can see the trucks tires on the pavement. But then the driver allowed his vehicle to creep forward. Don’t stop and creep up as the driver in this video did.
Cutting in a tight spot with a Sawzall
Need to keep a good grip on your Sawzall but the cut won’t let you. Flip the blade on your Sawzall for tight spot cuts. Flip the blade instead of the saw.