Backwash to clean water
Deep cleaning a sand filter
Do you find yourself backwashing your sand filter more often? Is your sand filter not keeping your water as clean as it used to after you backwash your filter? Should you change out your sand? Have you experienced these things?
Sand Filter Maintenance
- Clean the skimmer basket and check that it is in good condition and not cracked.
- Clean the pump basket and check that it is in good condition and not cracked.
- Backwash the sand filter
Everything should be clean, right? Maybe not, let’s check. The sand filter runs water backward through the sand to clean out the fines and organics that have built up on the top layer of sand. That means the water is coming in the bottom of the filter and running through the sand and out the top of the valve into the wastewater port. But over time the sand will not clean thoroughly.
All Pool Filter Sand and Sand Filters – Amazon.com
Water channels(think of them as straws in the sand) may develop and allow the water to go through the sand too quickly to get clean. Also, the outer edges of the sand near the tank walls will not get much backwash water run thru them. It will build up with organics and clog over time. No longer providing filtering capabilities.
Deep Cleaning a sand filter or change out the sand in the filter?
Let’s get into the sand filter to check for these problems. But first, do the usual Sand Filter Maintenance(see above). This will give you the best possible clean sand to start. We’re going to check the performance of your filter with the “deep cleaning a sand filter” procedure. First thing, we need to do is remove the multiport valve. I have mine set up so that I can remove it without cutting any pipes. There are PVC pipe unions at each pipe so that I can disconnect and reconnect when I am performing a deep cleaning cycle.
Removing the Multiport valve
- Make sure the circuit breaker for the pump is off.
- Remove the drain cap and open the air bleed valve to allow the water in the filter to drain
- Disconnect the unions at each pipe(3).
- Loosen the multiport clamp and remove
- Lift the multiport valve off the standpipe
- Remove the short standpipe and over drain parts
All Pvc Pipe Union Fittings – Amazon.com
Drain the Filter First
Allow the water to drain out of the filter before continuing. While you’re waiting clean off the mating surfaces of the multiport valve and filter. Also, clean the surfaces of the standpipe where it mates with the multiport valve. Cover the standpipe with a can or plastic cup so sand cannot enter.
When the filter is drained start at the sand closest to the standpipe. With your hand move the sand away from the standpipe to the depth of 6″ and “feel” the sand. Is it clean sand, free of organics or fines? If so this is your active area. Work around the entire standpipe. Put the sand back now go further out from the standpipe “feeling” the sand for organics and fines. Repeat until you are at the filter wall.
There’s the gunk
My bet is that by the time you get to the filter wall you will find areas where the sand is filled with the caked material(organics). Also, if you find that the sand closest to the standpipe feels really coarse compared to the rest of the sand mix it with the outer sand. Now because you have disturbed the entire top surface of the sand to a depth of six inches level it out. It’s ok that the caked material is mixed with the clean sand just make sure you break up the caked material. A good backwashing cycle after you put everything back together will clean it out.
Reinstall the Multiport valve
- Remove the can from the standpipe
- Install the short standpipe and lower over drain
- Install the upper over drain part make sure that it is properly seated on the lower over drain part.
- The multiport valve and clamp go on next but do not tighten yet.
- Attach all the unions and hand tighten.
- Tighten the multiport valve clamp.
- Tighten all the unions.
- Place the multiport valve in the backwash position
- Replace the drain cap.
- Fill the pump basket with water.
- Close the air bleed valve.
- Start up the pool pump and observe how dirty the water is coming from the “clean” sand.
- When the water runs clear shut off the pump and turn the multiport valve to rinse.
- Turn the pump on.
- When the water runs clear shut off the pump again and turn the multiport valve to filter position.
How often
I do this procedure twice a year. Once at the beginning of the season and again near the season end as needed. It keeps my sand filter working properly and extends my sand’s life by years.
If you try this procedure let me know how it worked for you, leave a comment, please.
This is my sand filter(click here).
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